Saturday, November 29, 2008

More outdoor fun

I realized a while ago, pre-baby, that if there were no other obligations on my time, I would spend all day cooking and being active. Having these multiple days off in a row is allowing me to get back to that happy place and figure out how to do it +1.

For the third day in a row, we got out for a nice little morning jog, where Furry S was a little pokier and I was noticing some muscles used the day before were letting me know they were there. And, to really seal the deal, we topped it off with another hike at Tryon Creek State Park. This beautiful park is also within city limits and has some paved trails, some equestrian trails and lots of great hiking trails.

This time we were joined by Jacki & Blaze and Amber.  (Amber was doing the photographic honors)


It was surprisingly warm, and hiking at a good clip, we managed to work up quite a sweat. It was like a real 90 minute workout. Again, the extra weight on my back helps with my strength training/hill climbing.


After a nap (both of us!) we did sneak out to do a little holiday shopping. More decorations and "stuff" than presents, and Little S LOVED the light decorations. It's getting me excited to get the tree up for her enjoyment.

Tomorrow is the last day of NaBloPoMo. Hopefully we'll go out on a high note!

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