Saturday, November 08, 2008

Goodbye Ammi

A former co-worker is leaving the rainy Pacific Northwest for the snowy in winter, humid and mosquito-y in summer wilds of Mini-soh-da. So, Little S and I were honored to join her going away party this evening. She hadn't yet met Little S, and I hadn't seen her in a while, so it was a treat for both of us! 


And, it was a veritable cavalcade of former co-workers.  Many whom I hadn't seen in a while, one who's name I almost forgot, and another who I think I called by the wrong name. Oops. Had a great beer, played pass the baby so she could maul some other people for a while


then had to call it a night. Instead of late-night bingo and drinking with them, I had a night of rice cereal & squash feeding, followed by a fussy bedtime. Oh the glamour of being a Mom.

Ammi-I'm so glad you have found your happy place. I know it was quite a journey to get there, but seeing you so clearly happy is great. We wish you all the best, wait for news of your new adventures, and can't wait until our paths cross again.

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