Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Sometimes, it’s not like the television shows

There are several women, mostly other mothers, who’s blogs I follow. One story I stumbled on last summer of a Mom named Heather and her harrowing story of her VERY premature baby girl Madeline. I’ve never met her, but her little Maddie wasn’t too much older than Little S, and Mama Spohr (Heather) was an entertaining writer.

Heather’s blog and twitter postings let us know that Maddie had a cough, fever and was admitted to the Pediatric ICU yesterday, but nothing too serious. Then, we get a tweet linking us to this post. Suddenly, this bright, smiling child was taken from the world. And it breaks my heart. Ever since Little S joined us, I often find myself in tears thinking “what if that were Little S?” The thought of any harm befalling anyone’s baby is a very real pain. Which is why Hazel's story was so scary.

So hug your babies extra tight, and consider donating to the March of Dimes http://www.marchforbabies.org/personal_page.asp?w=131032674&u=marchformaddie&bt=7

so that another Mother someday will get to see her daughter graduate instead of having to feel the pain of losing a child.

And to another Heather, whom I have never met, I’m so sorry for your loss. Your family and sweet, Angel Maddie are in my prayers.

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