Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How do you say Good-bye?

Obviously, I’ve been overwhelmingly moved by the death last week of sweet little Madeline Spohr. Her funeral was today, and it is still unfathomable to me how it must feel to have to say Good-bye to the love of  your life and your only child. They both did a phenomenal job of capturing the love of a parent for their child and celebrating her life.

Only click here if you have a box of tissues ready.

Mike's eulogy       Heather's Eulogy and video tribute.

And again, I will continue to appreciate the little life that’s laying next to me, more and more every day. Even when she doesn’t want to go to bed.


May God keep her safe and with us for a long, long, long time.


Abcdpdx said...

I just found out that one of my friend's family's is close with baby Maddy's family. it really is a small world. this was heartbreaking. a part of me just shuts down at stories like this.

heather said...

That is a small world. Wow. I know the odds of anything bad happening are so small, but it has a different significance now that I'm a Mom. We'll spend our lives hoping and praying nothing bad happens.